Background and Education

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Doctor of Philosophy in Fisheries Oceanography/Conservation Engineering, May 2014
Coastal Carolina University
Masters in Elasmobranch Conservation, August 2009
Boston University
Bachelors in Biology with a specialization in Marine Science, May 2006


O’Connell, C.P., D.C. Abel, and E.M. Stroud.  2011.  Analysis of permanent magnets as elasmobranch bycatch reduction devices in hook-and-line and longline trials.  Fish. Bull.  109(4):  394-401.

O’Connell, C.P., S.H. Gruber, D.C. Abel, E.M. Stroud. and P.H. Rice.  2011.  The responses of juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris, to a magnetic barrier.  Ocean Coast. Manag.  54(3):  225-230.

O’Connell, C.P., Abel, D.C., Rice, P.H., Stroud, E.M. and Simuro, N.C.  2010.  Responses of the Southern Stingray    (Dasyatis americana) and the Nurse Shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) to Permanent Magnets.  Mar. Freshw. Behav. Phy. 43:  63-73.

O'Connell, C.P. 2008.  Investigation of Grade C8 Barium Ferrite (BaFe2O4) Permanent Magnets as a Possible
Elasmobranch Bycatch Reduction System.  In:  Swimmer, Y., J.H. Wang, and L. McNaughton. 2008. Shark deterrent and incidental capture workshop, April 10-11, 2008. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech Memo., NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-16. 72p.


O’Connell, C.P., P. He, T.J. O’Connell, M.K. Maxwell, R.C. Reed, C.A. Smith, E.M. Stroud and P.H. Rice.  (In Preparation).  The Use of Permanent Magnets to Reduce Elasmobranch Encounter with a Simulated Beach Net.  2.  The Great Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna mokarran). 

O’Connell, C.P., P.He, J. Joyce, E.M. Stroud, and P.H. Rice.  (In Preparation).  Effects of the SMART Hook™ (Selective Magnetic and Repellent-Treated Hook) on Spiny Dogfish Catch in the Gulf of Maine.  

O'Connell, C.P., E.M. Stroud, P. He, T.J. O'Connell, P.H. Rice, G. Johnson, and K. Grudecki.  (Submitted).  The Use of Permanent Magnets to Reduce Elasmobranch Encounter with a Simulated Beach Net.  1.  The Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas).  Ocean Coast. Manag. 


American Fisheries Society 
Seattle, WA
September 5, 2011
Title:  Effects of the SMART Hook™ (Selective Magnetic and Repellent-Treated Hook) on Spiny Dogfish Catch in the Gulf of Maine”

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Three Minute Thesis Competition
North Dartmouth, MA
May 10, 2011, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Title:  “Going, Going, Almost Gone:  The Use of Permanent Magnets to Reduce Elasmobranch Capture in Beach Nets”
*Prize:  2nd Place

American Elasmobranch Society – Co-Author
Providence, RI
July 24, 2010
Title:  “The Trophic Impact of Six Elasmobranch Species in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean”

American Elasmobranch Society
Portland, OR
July 20, 2009
Title: “A Quantitative Analysis Examining the Effects of Permanent Magnets in the Recreational and Longlining Fishery”

Southeastern Estuarine Research Society
Myrtle Beach, SC
March 20, 2009, Coastal Carolina University
Title:  “The Use of Permanent Magnets as an Elamobranch-Selective Repellent.”

American Fisheries Society, South Carolina Chapter
Clemson, SC
February 13, 2009, Clemson University
Title:  “The Effect of Permanent Magnets in Recreational and Commercial Fishing Industries.”
*Best Student Presentation Award

NOAA:  Boston Bycatch Reduction Workshop
Boston, MA
April 9, 2008, New England Aquarium
Title:  Investigation of Barium Ferrite Permanent Magnets as a Possible Elasmobranch Bycatch Reduction System.”

NOAA:  Boston Bycatch Reduction Workshop – Co-Author                                                 
Boston, MA
April 9, 2008, New England Aquarium
Title:  "A Shocking Discovery:  How Electropositive Metals (EPMs) Work and Their Effects on Elasmobranchs"

NOAA:  Boston Bycatch Reduction Workshop – Co-Author                                                 
Boston, MA
April 9, 2008, New England Aquarium
Title:  Chemical Shark Repellents: Identifying the Actives and Controlling Their Release”

University of Miami Sea Secrets Lecture Series
Miami, FL                                                                                       
July 22, 2008, University of Miami
Title:  “Permanent Magnets:  A Possible Bycatch Reduction System?”

American Elasmobranch Society
Montreal, Canada
July 25, 2008
Poster Title:  “Effectiveness of a magnetic barrier on juvenile lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris)

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